Saturday, April 18, 2009

First Ramble...


The idea of starting this blog came after my beloved mum passed away in Feb 2009. Everyone that knows arwah, should have known the fact she was great in the kitchen & I would say that she was a "professional cook". You just named it, right from ikan pekasam to scrumptious chicken chop,lempok doyan to a beautiful sugar paste cake,all arwah mak got no problem with.

Unfortunately none of her daughters (as what my hubby used to comment) really achieved up to her standard.Tapi nasib baik jugaklah we've got bits & pcs of her skills (kalau tak semua pun).

Bapak is still lucky kalau nak makan lauk2 sedap sikit suruh Bah & Cuma masak (he's staying with them), rase nak makan laksa kena pegi rumah Yong, nak makan pulut jagung kena angkut pulut & jagung to Puchong (he..he..) lastly kalau nak yg sofistikated sikit macam rendang lambuk ke, got to wait sampai balik kampung , Kak Semah masak! Kalau arwah mak ada semua order je & ready to be served..

When she's no longer with us, we really feel the lost.. As a mom & wife I feel that one should know to cook everything to feed your loves one, macam arwah mak. Hence, I will try to better my skill by following the recipes (esp yg arwah mak simpan) & share the outcomes with you all .

As the address of this blog suggest, most posting will be about foods & bits of other things.



  1. Bravo.. berjaya jugak buat blog.. Anyway kalau nak mencantikkan tunggu course seterusnya dan feeya tak mahal.. Sebulan Reductil free pun ok.. Hehehe..

  2. tak yah le cantik2, kome je yg baca blog nih
