Monday, June 8, 2009

Public Holiday Update

Last Saturday was Agong Birthay i.e PH ! Hospital staff like me, so grateful when PH falls on Saturday, payah nak dpt cuti bersambung. It's a school holiday as well + papa was on a a week break for Gawai, however we didn't plan for any cuti2 Malaysia as I dont feel safe to travel at this point of time (H1N1 la, meningitis outbreak la, etc..). So an alternative (safe+save he.. he) we went to Alamanda Putrajaya to let the kids have funsss with whatever activities they want. Caca le yang lead selalunya. Makan2, jalan 2, then Caca decided to watch Hannah Montana the Movie .She watched Monster Vs Alien on 1st day of school break, ari ni nak tengok Miley Cyrus pulak. Layan je la.....

Caca awal2 dah bawak jacket as she knows it can be pretty cold in a movie hall. Bought 3 tickets for bibik, Caca & Malik. Iman FOC tak yah seat. So Mama boleh window shopping while the kids enjoy the movie....
Papa pesan kat bibik, kalau tak paham baca sarikata Bik! (laki aku ni lupa agaknya Bibik Ya tau baca 1,2, 3 je he..he..)

Penat cuci mata kat Parkson sale, lepak kat our fav. "dating" spot to kill the 2 hours. Tempat wajib kalau pegi Alamanda. So cosy, facing the lake lagi!

Bestnya mama & papa dapat enjoy our drinks without hingar bingar. Kalau tak, straw tah kemana, gula bertabur, itu la Caca+Malik+Iman

This is what I ordered, to add on calories of the day

Waited for them at the exit point @ 4pm. Below are their comments the moment I saw them stepping out from the hall:

Caca: Best betul la mama! (of course she is a big fan of Miley Cyrus)

Bibik: Seronok cite omputih kat dalam tu Ma ( ish paham jugak bibik aku ni, but I think she enjoyed the caramel popcorn + coke more! Kelas gitu bibik gi tengok movie kat GSC, dapat newly open hall lagi)

Iman: Best! best (at the same time non- stop describing what he saw inside. But according tu bibik dia ketawa2 @ the beginning of the movie then zzz.... till the end, syok la tu, sejuk)

Malik: Muka monyok keluar, Mama Malik tak suka Ana Montana, Malik tengok Ultraman Max je! ish budak ni..

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